Free Plant Based Nutrition Course
You can watch and re-watch the classes below, as well as download extra resources that correspond to each week's topic.
Lesson 1:
Protein and Carbohydrates:
Download the class notes Here.
Watch The Meat Lobby: Inside the Abyss of an Industry | ENDEVR Documentary Here.
Protein Fact Sheet by Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PRCM) Here.
Proteinaholic - chapter 13 provided free by the author Garth Davis, M.D Here.
The Kindness Era - Human & Animal Perspectives chapter 6. Download for free Here.
Please note that the underlined text in the class notes contains links to further information. Click on them to read and research further. If you registered for this course and would like to read the full studies pertaining to hormones in the environment, please email me to obtain copies.
Lesson 2:
Fats, G-BOMBS & Green Smoothies:
(Note: To watch or listen to the lesson at a faster speed - go to the settings cogwheel in the bottom
right hand corner, select playback speed and select 1.25 or 1.5. Some people who are busy appreciate
having this faster playback option).
Download the class notes Here.
Oxidized Cholesterol as a Cause of Alzheimer’s Disease - Here.
Watch Seaspiracy - You can view the trailer Here.
The ocean provides at least 50% of our oxygen - whales are necessary for this. Watch how Here [3 mins].
Dr. Kristi Funk - Arm Yourself with Plant Warfare Against Breast Cancer Here.
G-BOMBS: The anti-cancer foods that should be in your diet right now by Dr Joel Fuhrman - Read Here.
A Green Smoothie a Day Keeps Inflammation at Bay: With Dr. Brooke Goldner Here.
Delicious recipe booklet with nutritional information. Download Here.
Lesson 3:
Mock Meats, Umami Flavour & Food Cravings:
(Note: To watch or listen to the lesson at a faster speed - go to the settings cogwheel in the bottom
right hand corner, select playback speed and select 1.25 or 1.5. Some people who are busy appreciate
having this faster playback option).
Download the class notes Here.
Animal Agriculture is the Leading Cause of Climate Change by Dr. Sailesh Rao - Here.
Watch Dr Sailesh Rao discuss his findings Here [6 mins]
Eggs Raise Cholesterol - Watch Here [< 5 minutes]
Watch The Engine 2 Kitchen Rescue With Rip Esselstyn - Documentary Here (free)
Watch What the Health - Full Documentary - for free Here
Watch Forks Over Knives - Full Documentary - for free Here.
Watch H.O.P.E What You Eat Matters - Full Documentary - for free Here.
The Kindness Era: Human & Animal Perspectives, Chapter 8: Food Addictions, Fears & Subconscious Drivers. Read & download for free Here.
Self-Compassion Tedx Talk by Kristin Neff PhD - watch Here [19 mins].
"Why Are Sugar, Salt and Fat so Addictive?" By Robyn Chuter - read Here.
Lesson 4:
Vitamin B12, Iron and Zinc:
(Note: To watch or listen to the lesson at a faster speed - go to the settings cogwheel in the bottom
right hand corner, select playback speed and select 1.25 or 1.5. Some people who are busy appreciate
having this faster playback option).
Download the class notes Here. The class notes have links to further information.
Lesson 5:
Calcium & Vitamin D:
(Note: To watch or listen to the lesson at a faster speed - go to the settings cogwheel in the bottom
right hand corner, select playback speed and select 1.25 or 1.5. Some people who are busy appreciate
having this faster playback option).
Download the class notes Here. The class notes have links to further information.
Lesson 6:
Iodine, Healthy Gut & Insights into Assorted Supplements:
(Note: To watch or listen to the lesson at a faster speed - go to the settings cogwheel in the bottom
right hand corner, select playback speed and select 1.25 or 1.5. Some people who are busy appreciate
having this faster playback option).
Download the class notes Here. The class notes have links to further information.