This book is a flow of love and logic, woven together brilliantly to convey the current call of the hearts and souls around the planet.
As we move towards the New World where peace and reverence reign, what is stopping us from aligning our behaviour with our divine wisdom?
Learn how our monkey minds experience interference from receiving our soul messages and how we can recognize and overcome these fears and limitations.
Discover the messages from animal beings around the world as they are relayed through telepathic animal communicators.
And get a glimpse into the New World. Will you help to
co-create it with love for the Earth Mother and in harmony with the animal beings?
Book Reviews
"I really-really love this book from the first sentence! And it absolutely resonates with me!!! It is written beautifully, which truly touches hearts and minds! You can feel that you are not only reading the thoughts of a warmhearted Earth citizen, but in fact the Voice of Nature in written form! I felt that our collective consciousness is talking to us, awakening us through the lines. So this book is like a mediator, a bridge between all beings and all species. It is a gift of our time, to make it easy for the reader to get involved, and catch up with this human REvolution!!!"
Review by Edit Szóráth
Author of "My Journey from travelling to the Path"
"Kara Seth, has done it again! Kara stands in her full authentic self to share the real
Truth of what is happening on our planet. What courage it must have taken to write
these chapters...
Kara Seth takes us on an exploratory journey to open our hearts wider to welcome in
the New Earth with love and joy emanating from our energy fields. I can hardly wait for
the beauty and bounty of the New Earth. It’s coming soon. Be ready because a better
world is around the corner.
This is a page-turner folks. Share this book widely with everyone you know. Make sure
the schools have copies of it in their libraries, maybe even make it part of a curriculum.
Let’s fight, fight, fight for the animals."
Review by Betska,
The Guru Coach™